In early 2013, two Double Horn residents created an ad hoc committee to explore the purchase of the Double Horn Water Supply Corporation from the Double Horn Creek developer Forestar. They sensed that with the ongoing takeovers of small water operations by the LCRA that there was an opportunity to take control of our future by gaining control of our own water system.
The committee worked with attorneys and others to form the Double Horn Creek Water Supply Corporation, a non-profit, member-owned water supply corporation which was certified by the Texas Secretary of State on March 26, 2013. Twelve directors were named to the interim startup Board of Directors. New committees were formed which wrote the By-Laws, the Tarriff, and other documents. Bank accounts were created and the Corporation was up and running. In the background, negotiations with the Forestar Group were on-going to complete the purchase of the water system.
The purchase of the water system by the Corporation from Forestar was approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on October 4, 2013 and was completed on October 22, 2013 with Forestar's signatures on the sales and mortgage documents; operation of the water plant was then taken over by Spicewood Utility Services.
The Corporation's mission is to provide safe, clean drinking water, at or above established standards, to the Double Horn Creek community at the lowest possible cost. This means that we continually work to maintain the water system physical plant as well as keep it up to date with new technology. The Corporation's membership is growing rapidly with the new houses being built in the development. Our financial and operational future looks bright.
Copyright © 2025 Double Horn Creek Water Supply Corporation - All Rights Reserved.